Weekend destinations: 4 cities to visit in Germany

Weekend destinations: 4 cities to visit in Germany

What do you think about when you hear ”Let’s go to Germany!” Berlin at the first place, Oktoberfest, Christmas markets, Heidelberg, Burg Eltz – all these places are great and are worth to be visited at least once in a lifetime, but as I live in the Netherlands and Germany is just around the corner, I would like to share with you some weekend destinations – 4 cities to visit in Germany.

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Let’s celebrate Christmas a la Dutch

Let's celebrate Christmas a la Dutch - ice skating at Museumplein in Amsterdam

Winter season in Western Europe is celebrated with Christmas markets, ice skating, Gluhwein and Oliebollen. The best of the Christmas season in the Netherlands, however, is not the eve of 24th of December as this day is specially reserved for a traditional family dinner but the arrival of Sinterklaas before the 5th of December! Let’s celebrate Christmas a la Dutch!

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