Life updates: January till June 2018 how did this year go so far

Life updates January till June 2018 how did this year go so far

Time just flies and when I think about what I’ve done this year, not much is coming straight to my mind…That why I decided to write down all my life updates from January to June 2018.

January 2018

The new 2018 has begun with loads of new exciting resolutions and a return ticket to Thailand – the trip of my life! But before that, I visited Zeeland! The first days of the year were spent with my husband in Zeeland – a Dutch province famous for its closeness to the sea and considered being a nice summer vacation place. However, we were there in the middle of the winter with cold and wind and no option to swim! It was unusual and fun to start the new year in the cities of Terneuzen and Middleburg. I wrote a little article about my Zeeland experience that you can check out: 5 things to do in Zeeland, the Netherlands out of the season

Zeeland, the Netherlands
Zeeland, the Netherlands

In the middle of the month, I headed to Thailand. I spent two amazing weeks exploring Thailand. I visited Buddhist temples, was blessed by a monk, had a ride in a tuk-tuk, participated in a cooking class and learned how to prepare a proper pad thai, scuba-dived in Phi Phi, washed elephants in a sanctuary in Koh Phangnan, ate street food at the Food Market in Koh Phangnan, had a Thai massage, had a fish cleaning massage, immersed myself into Bangkok’s nightlife, visited Maya Bay (the famous beach from “The Beach” but without Leo), enjoyed the sunrise at Maya Bay, dived in the night to see a plankton and went back home very happy to accomplish one of the my biggest travel dreams!

Elephants sanctuary Thailand
Elephants sanctuary Thailand

On my way to Thailand and back I had a layover in Doha, Qatar and I read two books: the first is called ”Heights” by Milen Ruskov, a famous Bulgarian contemporary author. I left the book at the resort where I stayed in Ko Phagnan as a souvenir from my visit! My last day in Bangkok I stayed at a hotel where I found two books ”Scarlett, si possible” (in French) by Katherine Pancol and ”The Circle” by Dave Eggard. Thus, I managed to read them very quickly and would highly recommend them.

February 2018

During the second month of the year, I had to concentrate on my work as I changed the team and needed time to adapt to my new colleagues. I re-started going to the gym and tried fit boxing, spinning, yoga, meditation. I became addicted to the swimming pool and the sauna, especially during the cold days.

Meditation class
Meditation class

Also, in February, I accomplished a project I had for a while. I went to a special therapy to overcome my fear of driving. It took me some time to make up my mind and go for it, but I do not regret it. It helped me so much! I would highly recommend this therapy to anyone and everyone who has a fear of riding a bike, driving a car, or just other similar issues.

Furthermore, I read one of the best books ever during the cold days of February -”Zuleiha opens her eyes” by Guzel Yakhina! Please check my review of the book here: Book review of ”Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” by Guzel Yakhina

”Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” by Guzel Yakhina
”Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” by Guzel Yakhina

March 2018

Spring was in the air and it was time to take the road to our next destination – Belarus. This trip was the birthday present for my husband. We visited the capital – Minsk, tried draniki, visited Belaz factory, had a ride in a Belaz and enjoyed the beauty of the amazing city of Minsk. In a word, Belarus is an amazing country and if you consider to put it on your radar, read that first: 10 and more reasons to visit Minsk in Belarus

Belaz, Belarus
Belaz, Belarus

April 2018

In April it was time for tulips! I’ve been living in the Netherlands for 5 years and I’ve never seen tulip fields. This April, I was full of determination to find the beautiful tulips that you can see on all the postcard tourists buy in the Netherlands. So, we visited Hillegom. I have to say, that this was one of the best road trips ever! With tulips, sun and good mood on the road! Wondering where is Hillegom? Check out my review: Tulip fields in Hillegom, the Netherlands

Hillegom, the Netherlands
Hillegom, the Netherlands

As the weather was so nice and sunny in April, one day I was scrolling my social media feed and saw I video about a park full of cherries blossoming! I thought it was a reportage about Japan, but actually, it was about Kersenbloesempark in Amsterdam! So the next day, I checked the exact location and it happened that this beautiful park was close to my work. Thus, I left the office and headed to Kersenblosempark in Amsterdamse Bos. If you visit Amsterdam in April, plan a picknick there, you won’t regret it!

Kersenbloesempark, Amsterdamse Bos
Kersenbloesempark, Amsterdamse Bos

May 2018

Needless to say that May is my favourite month of the year! And this year it did not disappoint me! It started with a quick weekend escape to Hamburg. We spent 1 day in Bremen (not my city) and 2 days in Hamburg (awesome!). Every time I think about it I feel so happy I made it! For more inspiration to choose Hamburg for your next city trip, read Go hipster and enjoy Hamburg’s vibes for 4 days!

Go hipster and enjoy Hamburg vibes for 4 days
Go hipster and enjoy Hamburg vibes for 4 days

June 2018

After Hamburg, it was a great time to head to Bulgaria and pick up some roses! This year I planned my summer holiday according to the dates of the Roses Festival in Kazanlak, Bulgaria! That’s the most visited festival in the country and for a reason. However, the highlight of our Bulgarian road trip was the fact that we stayed in the Starozagorski Mineralni Bani region in between many well-known touristic attractions. We spent three days visiting different cities and attractions every day. My detailed perfect-Bulgarian-vacation guide can be found here: Rose Festival and Valley of the Thracian Kings itinerary

Bulgarian rose
Bulgarian rose

July is about to begin with new adventures and experiences. Did you like my life updates: January till June 2018 how did this year go so far article?

Thanks for reading!