10 essentials that every traveller must have

People who love travelling usually do not possess a lot of items, however, they are the ones for whom you wander every time about what to buy them for their birthdays and special occasions. My friends and I, we are serious travel addicts and that is why I decided to list down 10 essentials that every wanderlust must have. The list can be enriched and used for ideas for presents for globetrotters.

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My ultimate Bucket list for 2022 that I commit to follow

My ultimate Bucket list for 2022 that I commit to follow

way…so I decided not to do any bucket lists for one year and to go with the flow. Well, actually that was not a bad idea as everything well totally spontaneously and totally surprisingly well. However, I felt the need to do some sort of action plan with a timeframe and a budget, and that is how the idea of building up my ultimate Bucket list for 2022 that I commit to follow was born.

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