Detailed review of the second part of 2018 from July to December

Detailed review of the second part of 2018 from July to December

I am very excited when I make a detailed review of a past period as it makes me think about all the new experiences and the journey I’ve walked through. Thus, I’ve done so many nice things from January to June 2018 and accomplished goals I’ve been chasing for a while. Now it’s time to turn back and review in details all the beautiful moments I had from July to December 2018.

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The answer to the question “How to achieve your goals”?

The answer to the question How to achieve your goals

Hi there!!!! I am very into goals setting, goals achieving, goals writing and so on. It all started in 2014 when I moved to the Netherlands and had a lot of time to read, think, look for a new job and learn English….During this period I bought a notebook that I still keep and where I write recipes, tips for how to find a job, or just noted quotes of the books I was reading.

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