First six months of 2019 – what new adventures did I enjoy?

First six months of 2019 – what new adventures did I enjoy? - cover picture

For me, 2019 is a period of big changes and a new beginning. I moved back to Bulgaria, opened a new page in my life, started a new job in a completely different field and met new amazing people. What new adventures did I enjoy during the first six months of 2019? Keep reading!

What new adventure did the beginning of the year bring: European Road Trip

In the first place at the end of 2018 me and my husband, we decided to move back to Bulgaria. We had to sell a big part of our belongings, leave our jobs, pack our stuff and start a new life basically from scratch. Thus, the hardest part for me was leaving my job and all the good friends I’ve met there. My last days at work were very emotional and full of unforgettable moments. Not only did I spend time with my friends, but I also enjoyed my last walk in Amsterdam and revisited my favourite places there.

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Utrecht in winter
Utrecht in winter

Likewise, I spent some time in Utrecht and checked for the last time my favourite spots.

That is to say that we headed to Bulgaria on 25 of January and crossed Europe by car. Thus, we made a little European road trip and stopped in Nurnberg, Vienna, Budapest and Castelul de Lut in Valea Zanelor. For more information, check out my review here: European road trip Nurnberg, Vienna, Budapest, Castelul de Lut in Valea Zanelor

February: Winter holiday

As a result, on the 1st of February, we arrived in Bulgaria. First, we spent some time with our family and went on a winter holiday to Bansko. As we always wanted to go on a winter vacation, we finally had time to make it happen. In short, we visited Bansko, soaked in a hot mineral spring in Banya village and had an epic ride in the Rhodopes Narrow Gauge. In a word, that was a completely new adventure for us. If you plan to visit Bulgaria in the winter season, check out my top activities here: ”Soak in a hot spring, eat the biggest mekitza in the world and had a ride in the Rhodope Narrow Gauge Winter Fairy Tale in Bansko region”

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Bansko ski resort
Bansko ski resort

Besides, one of my resolutions for 2019 was to improve my blog and that why I decided to read the book “On Writing Well – The Classic Guide to Writing”  by William Zinsser. With this in mind, I highly recommend the book to anyone who is interested in writing well for business, for pleasure, or just for blogging.

March: Let’s celebrate Baba Marta

Furthermore, another adventure I really enjoyed was celebrating Baba Marta in Bulgaria. Baba Marta is my favourite Bulgarian tradition and this year I was more than happy to offer Martenitzi to my siblings.

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? Baba Marta celebration
Baba Marta

March: chase the evil during Kukeri Festival Kukerlandia in Yambol

Another key point I ticked on my Bucket list was the Kukeri festival Kukerlandia that I visited in Yambol. It’s one of the best festivals I’ve ever been to. Thus, If you are interested in chasing the evil and hang out with Kukeri, check out my review here: ”Kukerlandia 2019, Salt Museum in Pomorie and Aquae Calidae”

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Kukerlandia 2019
Kukerlandia, Yambol 2019

March: became a member of ASTOM – Bulgarian Association of travel bloggers

Next great thing that happened in March was that I became a member of Astom – Bulgarian Association of travel bloggers. Thanks to that, I participated in the first bloggers’ meet up in Varna and met bloggers that I admire, learnt a lot from and became a part of a great network.

March: Embroidery workshop

In addition, I am very passionate about Bulgarian embroidery and in March I took part in an Embroidery workshop. I made earrings for myself that I am very proud of!!!

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Bulgarian embroidery
Bulgarian embroidery

March continues with new adventures: visit Jordan and Israel

At the end of March, it was time for one of my best trips ever – I finally visited Jordan and Israel.

My Jordan trip was just perfect – I saw one of the wonders of the world – the ancient city of Petra, I soaked in the Dead Sea, I was baptised in the Jordan river, I visited all the Saint places in Israel and met amazing people on my way. I did not plan this trip and I booked it very spontaneously with no expectations and it turned out to be just fantastic!

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Jordan and Israel
Dead sea

April: Yoga retreat in Yagodina village in the Rhodopes mountains

One week later after my Jordan trip, I ticked one more point on my bucket list and went on a yoga retreat in the Rhodopes mountains. It was a wonderful trip! We did yoga, meditation, visited some natural wonders as the Yagodina cave and Eagle’s eye and were enchanted by the mystical scenery surrounding us.

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Yoga retreat in the Rhodopes mountains
Yoga retreat in the Rhodopes mountains

April: Orthodox Easter Holidays

Every year I can’t wait for the Easter Holidays to come. This is my second favourite tradition. This year I celebrated the Orthodox Easter at home. I went to a concert, did some shopping with my mom, participated in eggs colouring and kozunak cooking. The weather was warm and nice and I had such a great time in my hometown Silistra!!!!

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Orthodox Easter in Silistra
Orthodox Easter in Silistra

May: Do you remember your childhood?

May is the best time of the year in Bulgaria and it’s the best season to explore Bulgaria. We went back to my husband’s childhood and visited the region where he grew up. We stayed at relatives’ of ours in a village near Sofia and enjoyed a weekend of digital detox and a lot of games played with their kids. If you are wondering where to go and what to do around Sofia, check out my ”Do you remember your childhood?” article.

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy?
Play like a kid

May: Explore Bulgarian Revival in Koprivshtitsa

Besides, in May, I went on my first press trip with the bloggers’ community. We visited Koprivshtitza – a city that symbolizes Bulgarian liberation and renaissance. It was amazing meeting new people and spending some time with my favourite bloggers.

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Orthodox Easter in Silistra - Koprivshtitza

May: embark on a new professional adventure

At the same time, I found a new job. I can say that it’s a new professional beginning for me as I started to work in a completely new field. I have a lot to learn, but can’t wait to embrace the challenge.

June comes with ”Krakow is for pleasure seekers”

The summer has come and in June I went on a three-week business trip to Krakow, Poland. Poland was not on my list, but it was an amazing experience. I visited Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka (Salt Mine) and Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gdansk and Gdynia, and enjoyed all the pleasures Krakow has to offer to its visitors. More ideas on how to had a great time in Krakow, check here: ”Krakow for pleasure seekers legends of a dragon, mouth-melting ice cream and romantic music”

First six months of 2019 - what new adventures did I enjoy? - Auschwitz - Birkenau
Auschwitz – Birkenau

June: Photo Exhibition

Furthermore, something very special happened to me in June – one of my photographs participated in an exhibition in Sofia. I am so happy and proud of myself and motivated to go to the next level and buy a professional camera.

Lavender fields
Lavender fields

To sum up, the summer is the best season in Bulgaria and I am planning to enjoy it at the fullest! Stay tuned and follow my blog!

Thanks for reading!