What experiences did the second six months of 2019 bring into my life?

It’s been almost 2 months that I haven’t written in my blog and I am excited to restart with new fresh ideas. Well, it’s already February, however, I would like to go back and list what experiences did the second six months of 2019 bring into my life?

Well, it’s already February, but still, I would like to go back and list some nice memories of the second six months of 2019.

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The magic of Zheravna

Whoever you ask about Zheravna Festival of the National Costume, will tell you ”Zheravna is magic”. Zheravna is magic because everybody wears a traditional Bulgarian ”nosia” and the usage of contemporary objects like plastic bottles and electronic devices is strictly forbidden. In addition, everything is authentic – the costumes, the music, the dances, the food and the joy of gathering together. Let’s immerse ourselves in the magic of Zheravna.

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