Hiking the heavenly beautiful 7 Rila Lakes in Bulgaria

The time has come to put in writing one of the best trips in my life – from Sofia to Sofia hiking through the heavenly beautiful Rila 7 Lakes, tasting wine in Melnik and hang out in Blagoevgrad. I made the 7 Rila Lakes trip just before moving to the Netherlands to remind me how beautiful Bulgaria is. I treated myself to a unique hiking experience exploring the 7 Rila Lakes and the great scenery you can admire from the Melnik cliffs.

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Do you remember your childhood?

Do you remember your childhood?

The spring is the best season in Bulgaria (at least for me) and there are many public holidays at this period of the year. That why, me and my husband, we decided to visit the region where he grew up and to see his former house, the woods he played with his friends back at the days and to immerse ourselves in his childhood for a weekend. We combined the trip with a stay in the mountains at a country house with relatives of ours.

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