Do you remember your childhood?

Do you remember your childhood?

The spring is the best season in Bulgaria (at least for me) and there are many public holidays at this period of the year. That why, me and my husband, we decided to visit the region where he grew up and to see his former house, the woods he played with his friends back at the days and to immerse ourselves in his childhood for a weekend. We combined the trip with a stay in the mountains at a country house with relatives of ours.

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A culinary adventure in Bulgaria: what absolutely not miss out to try

Food is one of the best ways to discover a country and its culture. It’s also a great way to reunite people from different horizons and break the ice between them. I think that one of the best things about Bulgaria is that wherever you go – to the seaside, to the mountains, to the Rose Valley, to the villages or the big cities, you will find seasonal food for all the tastes (vegetarian, vegan, meat lovers). Bulgarian dishes are simple and seasonal thanks to the climate and the abundance of fruit and vegetables.

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Rose Festival and Valley of the Thracian Kings itinerary

One of the things I wanted to tick in my Bucket list was to visit the Rose Valley (in Kazanlak, Bulgaria) and to participate in all the festivities around the Rose Festival. And finally, this year the time has come to take the road. I was targeting the Rose Valley, but the more I was digging what to do and where to go in the region, the more places I was adding to my list…At the end, and to my surprise, I saw much more than I expected and realized that it’s a very ambitious task to explore the region in only one long weekend! Make yourself comfortable and continue reading my Rose Festival and Valley of the Thracian Kings itinerary!

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