Books that will fuel you with wanderlust

I love reading. While I am travelling I always take a book with me. Very often I read books about people and places that just fuel me with wanderlust. I would like to share with you my last list of books that will definitely make you look for a purpose while you head to your next destination.

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When the Frenchie in me is reading book selection

When the Frenchie in me is reading book selection

I speak French and decided to make a when Frenchie in me is reading book selection. I worked in Alliance francaise in Varna, Bulgaria in the past and there was a big library with plenty of classic and modern French and Francophone literature. As Alliance francaise organized a lot of cultural events, we also invited many famous writers and authors to be our guests and make workshops around their books. I met some of the people mentioned below like Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt and Frederic Beigbeder in person and had copies of their books autographed specially for me! What an honour!

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