People who love travelling usually do not possess a lot of items, however, they are the ones for whom you wander every time about what to buy them for their birthdays and special occasions. My friends and I, we are serious travel addicts and that is why I decided to list down 10 essentials that every wanderlust must have. The list can be enriched and used for ideas for presents for globetrotters.
Five things I always take with me when I travel
Travelling is vital to me. I love discovering places and things I haven’t seen before. I usually travel low cost and light and bring with me the minimum needed. To make my trip more comfortable and cosy I take these five things with me when I travel.
Mind-blowing canyon of Petra, baptism in Jordan river and Israel itinerary
When I booked my trip to Jordan and Israel I DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE TWO COUNTRIES! I was sure my trip is going to be horrible and boring and I would be disappointed about signing up for an organized trip. Guess what? None of the above. Visiting the mind-blowing canyon of Petra, having a baptism in Jordan river and exploring Terrae Sanctae itinerary was amazingly rich in experiences and super fun.
Sun, cypresses, and wine tasting in Romantique Firenze
I am a big fan of the Italian language and really really hope to learn it one day. I was looking for a budget escape in Italy…I started with Rome, but found it way too expensive for a long weekend, then Venice, but could not find a good deal and decided to head to Pisa and Florence. Who hasn’t seen ”Under the Tuscan sun” and hasn’t dreamt of sun, cypresses, and wine tasting in Romantique Firenze?