What experiences did the second six months of 2019 bring into my life?

It’s been almost 2 months that I haven’t written in my blog and I am excited to restart with new fresh ideas. Well, it’s already February, however, I would like to go back and list what experiences did the second six months of 2019 bring into my life?

Well, it’s already February, but still, I would like to go back and list some nice memories of the second six months of 2019.

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The oldest lighthouse in Bulgaria, Shabla lakes and the sea

The only thing I knew about Shabla before visiting it was that the oldest lighthouse in Bulgaria is located there. For me, the Shabla Lighthouse was the guardian of the Black Sea and the easternmost point of our homeland. We headed to Shabla spontaneously as the weather was very warm for October and that what we actually discovered there – the oldest lighthouse in Bulgaria, Shabla lakes and the Sea!

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