Things to do and discover in Silistra – the apricot paradise of Bulgaria

Things to do and discover Silistra - the apricot paradise of Bulgaria - cover picture

Despite the low-cost airlines’ invasion, Bulgaria remains quite unexplored, especially the Northeastern region. I currently live in the Netherlands, but originally come from Silistra – a small city on the Danube river. Northeastern Bulgaria or as I call it, the apricot paradise has a lot to offer in terms of history, culture, food, and tips to have a good time. And it’s definitely out of the beaten tourist path.

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Canals in Utrecht, what else?

Canals in Utrecht what else

Everybody knows Amsterdam, everybody wants to be there at least once, this is an absolute must-see-place-before-I-die in every bucket list. However, there is another place in the Netherlands as beautiful as Amsterdam and as vibrant as the Dutch capital. And…. this is Utrecht with its unique canals.

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