Interesting facts about The Palace of Euxinograd

Bulgarian Versailles, Residence Euxinograd

It’s always a good idea to spend a day like a tourist in Varna (where I live) and to discover places you’ve never been to before. Summer 2020 brought me to the Palace of Euxinograd and I was delighted to spend a day in Bulgarian Versailles. Euxinograd is a former royal summer residence and is one of the few well-preserved buildings that remind us of the Bulgarian royal family. Residence Euxinograd has gained popularity among the public since it opened its doors and gardens to visitors a few years ago.It’s always a good idea to spend a day like a tourist in Varna (where I live) and to discover places you’ve never been to before. Summer 2020 brought me to the Palace of Euxinograd and I was delighted to spend a day in Bulgarian Versailles. Euxinograd is a former royal summer residence and is one of the few well-preserved buildings that remind us of the Bulgarian royal family. Residence Euxinograd has gained popularity among the public since it opened its doors and gardens to visitors a few years ago.

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The ancient city of Pliska, the Rider of Madara and Bolata Cove round trip

Round trip in Varna region - the ancient city of Pliska, the Rider of Madara and Bolata Cove

I have a Bucket list (general) and a list of all the places I would like to visit in Bulgaria. During summer 2018 I managed to make a round trip in Varna region and to tick the ancient city of Pliska, the Rider of Madara and Bolata Cove. Two of these sites are located not far away from Varna – the first spot is the first capital of Bulgaria – the ancient city of Pliska (located in 80 km western of Varna) and the second place is one of the most photogenic beaches in Bulgaria – Bolata cove (80 km north of Varna). Continue to read my round trip in Varna region review and check the ancient city of Pliska, the Rider of Madara and Bolata Cove.

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The Great Bulgarian Wall – Fortress of Ovech and Shashkanite Rock Monastery near Provadia, Bulgaria

The Great Bulgarian Wall - Fortress of Ovech and Shashkanite Rock Monastery near Provadia, Bulgaria

I’ve never heard of the Fortress of Ovech, neither the Shashkanite Rock Monastery near Provadia in Bulgaria, or the Great Bulgarian wall as I call it until I started seeing great pictures on social media. That’s the reason why I decided to visit these places and was overwhelmed by The Fortress of Ovech and Shashkanite Rock Monastery near Provadia. It looks as mind-blowing as in all the photos I’ve ever seen no matter the camera and the photographer!

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